Sunday, February 19, 2012

2012 Vision Board - Step 2

Step 2: Find the visual inspiration to keep you focused.
The most essential part of creating a vision board and the part that takes the longest is finding the images that will inspire you even on the funkiest day. Pick images that move and inspire you as you will be looking at them often. I decided to start with the part that brings me the most joy - Travel.

For me the first time I saw pictures of Yosemite Falls I said to myself: "Oh how beautiful, you can feel God present even through the picture! I want to go there!" Well, this year I'm going to take the steps to have it become a reality!

Now, I also love going to the beach, but sometimes, my son's activities, my job, my friends requests can sometimes distract me from what I love to do. Since I'm working on my travel section I included the picture of a beach I visited this past year to remind me to go visit God there.

I try to have a focusing or motivating statement foremost in my mind as I try to find pictures or as I work on creating a collage for this section on the vision board. For my travel section its: "I love to surround myself with natural beauty and connect to God." Or "I enjoy connecting to God through his natural beauty".