Monday, February 20, 2012

Creating the Life of YOUR DREAMS

Creating the life of your dreams begins with a consistent thought born out of your heart's desire. That desire and thought leads successful people to create a vision of what they want to be, do or have in their life. What I discovered long ago was that the happiest or most successful people didn't get there by accident. They got there because of their vision. And for a great number of those successful their vision was always visible in the form of Vision or Dream boards.

For years people have created these dream or vision boards using images from magazines or their own picture albums. They've then taken these pictures and posted them on corkboards or posterboards like the one above, with inspirational quotes, to celebrate milestones in their life or remind themselves of things they wanted to have, be or do in their lives.

I first began using vision boards over 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with cancer. My sponsor suggested I make a list of 10 things I wanted to have, be or do... in other words, things I wanted to live for. Well, I thought 10 was too short a list for what I was about to go through so I created a list of 30 things I wanted to experience before I kicked the bucket. Then after my first round of chemo I saw a woman with a small baby book album with pictures of her children to remind herself why she had chosen to go through chemotherapy. So since I didn't have children I decided to put pictures of my wonderful loving friends and a few images of places I wanted to visit and a few images of what I still wanted to experience in life, such as teaching my first academic lit class and my first poetry class.

Well, since then I've written more lists than I can remember and lived a life most people only think about in their dreams. The difference between those that daydream and those that dream or envision their future is that the those that envision have statistically a higher percentage of actualizing or achieving their dreams.

So... What is it that you want to have or experience in your life? What kind of pictures or images inspire your dreams? What key words make you smile and inspire you to move forward? Well, if you compile these and create a visual reminder of your hopes and your vision for your life, you too will have the opportunity to turn your dreams into reality.

Now, if you find that negative thoughts creeping in, I suggest you read this wonderful article by Cheryl Richardson: How Are Your Beliefs Shaping Your Life? before you even begin creating a vision board.